They that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind. It’s an old adage, but one now blowing through city hall with a vengeance.
Maybe because this current Calgary council comprises relative newbies, they couldn’t spot the lurking danger of playing that high and mighty game, one in which the wishes of regular folk can be conveniently dismissed as merely the noisy chatter of the powerless hoi polloi.
Such ordinary folk wouldn’t like many of the measures that council was relentlessly foisting upon them. But, hey, it was all for Calgarians’ own good, after all, even if many of us had neither the foresight nor the heightened morality to understand the necessary process. But, in time, all would become clear.
Today, something is becoming clear to council. If nature abhors a vacuum, then politicians love one, especially if they’re the bigger dog in any fight for that recently vacated space. Even better if they can strut unopposed into the backyard of those vanquished, after........