A few years ago, at the pandemic’s height, some commentators waxed lyrical about how Canadians were abandoning Alberta.
The reason behind this so-called abandonment — the actual number of people leaving for other provinces eventually turned out to be rather small — was deemed a lack of culture allied to a nasty right-wing political agenda. Indeed, one CBC columnist, after dutifully consulting his social media followers to get their rather biased opinions, gleefully informed us we faced “a growing exodus of skilled labour from the province.”
Of course, anyone not blinded by central Canadian arrogance would have realized that in times of stress and unease, some folk return home. It’s human nature. And there was plenty of unease and stress during those dark, COVID times.
Therefore, because Alberta is home to so many newcomers, it was hardly surprising a few recent arrivals sought reassurance and comfort back in their original hometowns, where their hearts still belonged. Nothing unusual........