Libraries are magical places where a love of reading can be sparked for children, a newcomer can find support to start a new life, or anyone can find connection and respect no matter their background or circumstances. Yet the most powerful role of libraries is the ongoing fight for intellectual freedom.

Some Canadians might take for granted the privilege of unrestricted access to information and the freedom to explore diverse perspectives without fear of judgment. And yet, while it is a pillar of a democratic society, it’s not something everyone in the world benefits from.

Intellectual freedom is at a growing risk. People from opposing ideologies believe their ideas are the only option and seek to censor other perspectives. It’s easier to categorize people into boxes than to understand the complexity of who we are. As history has shown, censorship never leads to stronger societies — only to their breakdown.

Challenging, censoring or banning a book is really about erasing a perspective or experience. We are shutting down conversation in our community and hindering progress. It creates an environment in which questioning and debating are discouraged.

As we recognize Freedom to Read Week from Feb. 18 to 24 in Canada, it is time we realize that every time we say, ‘This book is not OK,’ we are limiting the options for what we can build in the future. Let’s acknowledge the weight of each silenced story, the stifled dialogue and the missed opportunities for empathy and understanding.

In many ways, libraries have become one of the last organizations upholding freedom of expression and freedom to read. We have a mandate and a professional obligation to defend the principles of intellectual freedom and freedom of expression, ensuring that the widest diversity of perspectives is represented — whether we agree with them or not. We stand strong in the in-between. We curate collections and provide spaces that embrace diverse viewpoints and facilitate open dialogue.

Between Jan. 1 and Aug. 31 last year, the American Library Association reported 1,915 challenges to censor library books — 20 per cent more than the same period in 2022.

Canadian libraries are closely watching events in the United States and are concerned about increasing pressure to re-evaluate their commitments to intellectual freedom. But protests, challenges, social media commentary and targeting of libraries only increase my resolve that we must continue to provide access to information, without judgment or censorship.

Author George R.R. Martin wrote: “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.” Literature is powerful. It can transport us beyond our own experiences. But we have to let it.

There is an idea that we must control what people read, hear or see. But the more we influence, the less autonomy we’re giving people, especially children, to make their own decisions. Instead, it is essential to give people access to information, perspectives and conversation.

Don’t let the fear of something you disagree with override your belief in humanity. It’s new and different thinking that will solve the challenges ahead. We want the next generation to do better than what we’ve done. They will do that if we ensure they have access to information, alternative perspectives, conversation and debate.

In honour of Freedom to Read Week, I challenge you to read something you disagree with. Ask tough questions about what you read and question yourself. Think critically about what you are reading. Misinformation and disinformation are everywhere, so understand where things originate from, who wrote them and why.

Books are not just words on a page; they are windows into different perspectives. By defending our right to read and access diverse viewpoints, we are not only enriching our own lives but also contributing to a more inclusive and tolerant society.

I don’t always agree with everything on library shelves, but I will always fight for your right to read it.

Sarah Meilleur is CEO of Calgary Public Library, one of North America’s largest municipal library systems. Read about Calgary Public Library’s commitment to intellectual freedom here.

Opinion: Why our fight for intellectual freedom matters for all Canadians

Opinion: Why our fight for intellectual freedom matters for all Canadians

Libraries are magical places where a love of reading can be sparked for children, a newcomer can find support to start a new life, or anyone can find connection and respect no matter their background or circumstances. Yet the most powerful role of libraries is the ongoing fight for intellectual freedom.

Some Canadians might take for granted the privilege of unrestricted access to information and the freedom to explore diverse perspectives without fear of judgment. And yet, while it is a pillar of a democratic society, it’s not something everyone in the world benefits from.

Intellectual freedom is at a growing risk. People from opposing ideologies believe their ideas are the only option and seek to censor other perspectives. It’s easier to categorize people into boxes than to understand the complexity of who we are. As history has shown, censorship never leads to stronger societies — only to their breakdown.

Challenging, censoring or banning a book is really about erasing a perspective or experience. We are shutting down conversation in our community........

© Calgary Herald