Making St David's Day a national holiday would provide an economic boost

For those of us born and brought up in Wales, St David’s Day is more than just a historical commemoration, it is a day of national pride for the people of Wales and yet successive UK governments have consistently refused to grant this special day the status of a bank holiday.

Whilst some critics argue that additional bank holidays harm the economy, evidence suggests otherwise. For example, St Patrick’s Day in Ireland has become a globally recognised celebration that attracts visitors and generates significant economic activity.

A national holiday for St David’s Day could do the same for Wales, boosting tourism, increasing spending in local businesses, and providing opportunities for cultural festivals to attract visitors from across the UK and beyond. Indeed, research by the Irish tourist organisation Fáilte Ireland shows that 570,000 people attended the St Patrick’s Festival in Dublin over the bank holiday weekend last year, generating £100m in revenue for the city.

Making the most of these opportunities is critical to the development of the Welsh economy. Twelve years ago, when a group of us went over to unveil a star for Richard Burton on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on St David’s Day, the visit was used by the Welsh Government to hold a series of meetings........

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