Wealth of human resource

These are frightening figures The estimated child abuse in Pakistan is more than 12 per day, in which out of total reported cases of child abuse 2,325 victims were girls (55%) and 1,928 (45%) boys. In Sindh, the highest (483) number of cases of child abuse were reported, the second highest number of cases (233) were reported in Punjab.

How these children end up in the hands of exploiters is mostly due to poverty and inflation which is a big factor in people sending their children to work, or even selling them to people who use them as labour and they are not protected by any laws at the workplace.

A major obstacle is that child abuse has become so common in Pakistan and generally accepted that those who otherwise are advocating human rights also turn a blind eye to this even though they see it happen in many walks of life from domestic servants to underage workers in workshops and other commercial concerns.

Many child abuse cases occur at the workplace whether it is at the domestic level or at outdoor work stations where young boys are employed. Child........

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