The holy month of Ramazan is just around the corner. It is a month of piety and sharing and gives the well-to-do a chance to share their good fortune with the less privileged in society. This year it has special significance as the country is passing through hard times with prices of essential commodities hitting the roof and thus further tightening the noose on the poor and underprivileged in society. Looking at this from another angle you can say that this holy month has arrived just in time to give some relief to the poor and downtrodden in society.

In any Ramazan the focus of the faithful is on giving. This can be food, clothes, money, rations, etc., thus helping the underprivileged in society to also enjoy the blessings of this month. In the present circumstances I would consider rations the most sought after charity as it helps the less fortunate in society to feed their families. Smart grocery store owners wanting to take advantage of this surge in buying usually have readymade ration bags with essentials for a family ready as the month approaches.

It is not that rations are the only commodity sought during this month. As the month approaches its culmination in the celebration of Eid the focus of those depending on support changes from food to clothes as now the children are pressing for new clothes, shoes and other apparels.

It is a very good idea and in keeping with the spirit of our faith to help the underprivileged specially in the Holy month of Ramazan but over the years beggars have become professionals and all that you distribute in the name of charity does not necessarily end up with the poor and less privileged in society.

As the holy month of Ramazan approaches professional gangs of beggars controlled and driven by their handlers descend on large cities like Karachi. For them this is the month to gather as much charity as possible not to feed or clothe the poor but to build up their own bank balances.

How do you cope with this situation? One should not give up on charity but should give more time and thought to its distribution. The first in line to receive your charity should be people you know are in need but because of their family background and brought up they will never extend their palms for alms. Without hurting their self-respect or dignity they can be provided with the means to sail through this month with ease and if possible to celebrate Eid with some dignity and without any disappointment for their children.

Another equally deserving and important receiver would be your house servants. In fact the house servants should be considered first as they serve you throughout the year and you know their financial condition rather well. I know many people living in apartment buildings who at the start of Ramazan buy clothing and distribute it as Eid gift to the various watchmen and other workers in the building so they are wearing new clothes on Eid.

Unless you have unlimited budget most people will be able to exhaust it on these activities only and save their hard earned money from the clutches of professional beggars swarming our streets during this month. There are also several organizations in the field like health and education, etc., who also deserve to be supported and that is another choice for those looking for well-deserved recipients of charity.

Ramazan is an amazing month. It teaches us self-control as we fast from dawn to dusk, teaches us to share and take care of the less privileged in society, incorporate a complete change in our lifestyles including our eating, sleeping and working habits.

We considered all this as basically religious but as scientists drawn by these amazing changes have researched they have found plausible scientific evidence of the overall benefits of this month of fasting that range from benefits for our health to our attitudes and overall wellbeing.

Well here we are waiting for another month of piety, sharing and enjoying the benefits of this amazing month. Let us pray to God to give us strength to fulfill all the requirements this month commands and the means to help those deserving of assistance in this holy month.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

Waiting for Ramazan

Waiting for Ramazan

The holy month of Ramazan is just around the corner. It is a month of piety and sharing and gives the well-to-do a chance to share their good fortune with the less privileged in society. This year it has special significance as the country is passing through hard times with prices of essential commodities hitting the roof and thus further tightening the noose on the poor and underprivileged in society. Looking at this from another angle you can say that this holy month has arrived just in time to give some relief to the poor and downtrodden in society.

In any Ramazan the focus of the faithful is on giving. This can be food, clothes, money, rations, etc., thus helping the underprivileged in society to also enjoy the blessings of this month. In the present circumstances I would consider rations the most sought after charity as it helps the less fortunate in society to feed their families. Smart grocery store owners wanting to take advantage of this surge in buying usually have readymade ration bags with essentials for a family ready as........

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