Some Karachi attractions

While working for a Swiss firm I had the opportunity to welcome several foreigners to Karachi and after taking care of company matters during the day would take them sightseeing in the evening or on holidays. You must be wondering what sightseeing is possible in Karachi.

We don’t exactly have the Louvre or Niagara Falls but we still have some sights and sounds that the visitors find interesting and attractive. Actually these do not even have to be promoted as their promotion is done by word of mouth earlier visitors telling those preparing for a journey to Karachi not to miss a certain sight that they found interesting and maybe even captivating depending upon their interest.

Well, everyone was escorted to the mausoleum of the father of the nation, which was always top of the list but there were other lesser attractions that were popular in their own right. Most of the visitors asked me to take them to that place where they beat stones with cloth.

I know you are a little lost here but this place is right in the center of the city and in the main section of the old city. Yes I am talking about the........

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