Unexpected rainfall in April in Karachi. Actually, totally unexpected weather not only in Karachi but in the entire country and specially in the province of Baluchistan which seems to be hard hit by these unexpected bouts of rain that devastates this less developed province causing many human fatalities and destruction of infrastructure.
This time around the rain in Baluchistan as elsewhere in the country was accompanied by strong winds, dust storms, lighting that not only brightened the sky but caused loss of life and property on the ground. The lightning was truly frightening and not only that it sounded deadly but was deadly too.
I think this was the worst lightning event in the history of the country as according to figures released, lightning and heavy rains killed at least 49 people across Pakistan in the three days of this weather onslaught. Even in Karachi lightning struck a house in the Naya Nazimabad area but fortunately there was no loss of life.
Since the early days of Pakistan Karachi has seen quite a few lightning displays but nothing like what happened........