Burn injuries not only cause a great number of fatalities across the world but are also the most traumatic in nature. You will be surprised to know that death due to burns are the fourth leading cause of death from unintentional injury in the USA and results in 1.4 million injuries every year while approximately 330,000 deaths are recorded per year worldwide.
Hardly a day goes by in Pakistan when we do not hear of fatalities due to burns. Some are caused by road accidents when vehicles that collide suddenly catch fire and this is very common in transport vehicles where entire families in some cases can be wiped out in an instant. No wonder there is a high annual incidence of burns in Pakistan — approximately 1388 to 100,000 as compared to an estimated global annual incidence of 110/100,000.
The latest incident, which is not only heart wrenching but should be an eye opener for the authorities happened in Hyderabad where eleven members of a family suffered burns after a fire broke out on their premises recently due to........