The most popular slogan during the recent India-Pakistan match in the T20 World Cup was “The biggest blockbuster of any game in the world”. Truly, this is a statement based on facts. No other sport in the world has the number of audience, the passion and emotions that run in a cricket match between India and Pakistan.
The sport itself transcends all boundaries of age, sex, nationalities, classes, race and religions. The top most in this category of games is a match between India and Pakistan and it is a big icing on the cake if such an encounter takes place during a T20 World Cup.
When in any World Cup the team schedules are announced the young and old are not bothered about any other match but focused on when the competition will offer that adrenaline pumping opportunity to cheer the side they favour in an India-Pakistan contest.
It is truly amazing how this phenomenon affects the entire family from grandmother to grand-daughters and of course the grand-sons and everyone else in the family. Cricket watching parties are organized and........