A Safari in Karachi

There is an alarming increase in the number of some species of animals that dominate the landscape in Karachi. This includes both the flying types and those that grace the land with their presence.

The land dwellers are dominated by the presence of cats and dogs while the skies are occupied by eagles and crows.

No data is available on the number of our flying friends but there is unauthenticated data available on the number of stray dogs which puts their number at close to 3 million. I wonder if cats even come close to the number of dogs we have but then cats are not so visible and not perceived such a threat to the human population as they are not known to attack humans or cause any serious illness due to their bites.

Dogs on the other hand are considered more vicious and have somehow attained the reputation of attacking humans and specially children which is why they are regarded with fear and their advances even if seemingly harmless are responded with violence.

Crows and........

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