Books that in days gone by had our undivided attention are now competing with many other competitors. There was a time when we were overjoyed to lay our hands on a good book whether it was a fairy tale or maybe a book on a more serious note or a romantic novel that would be shared among friends and read secretly from elders as in those days most parents were rather conservative and did not want their children to grow up reading romantic novels and God forbid get influenced by their heartwarming passion.
All that was a long time ago but according to a Gallup survey taken in 2019, book reading had taken a back seat and 3 in 4 Pakistanis claim that they do not read books at all. Only 9% are avid readers and only 16% read just one hour a day. The survey included course books, religious books, novels and magazines.
So how is the book business doing? According to statistics, revenue in the books market is forecast to hit US$ 59.72 million in 2024. This is as one of our former........