And the brand lives on…

The product dies. The factory shuts down. The shelves become empty. The shops forget it. The mind stores in memory. The mind recalls. Such is the languishing power of a brand that once was. Such is the nostalgia that surrounds a brand that was born and bred with you but did not grow with you.

Products are made in factories and brands are made in memories. The investment in the name is the first decision that is made while divestment in the product is the last. If the product had served the market well, the product might fade away but the brand endures.

The three questions that irk most minds are: Why did the product fade away? Why were the required changes not done? If the brand is alive, can the product be revived?

Brands and products are made on intuition, science and art, preferably in that order. The innovator gets hold of an idea where he has this hunch that this is it. Whether this hunch is verified through scientific data is another debate. In Pakistan product ideas, launching and marketing are usually dependent on the whims and fancies of the owners.

GP formula sets the tone. GP is the Grandpa whose picture you will see in every office that is now run by the Grand offsprings. He was the........

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