When it comes to artificial intelligence, I am an optimist. In fairness, this may be something of an understatement: Over the past year and a half, I have argued that AI will improve education, boost productivity, enrich the internet, make markets more stable and land more valuable, accelerate the pace of scientific progress and increase social trust.

I remain optimistic. Nonetheless, I do have worries about AI — or, to be more precise, about how we will respond to it. There is one big thing, if I may indulge again my inclination for understatement: AI will overturn the existing world order, and we are not very well prepared for it.

AI’s Greatest Danger? The Humans Who Use It

AI’s Greatest Danger? The Humans Who Use It

When it comes to artificial intelligence, I am an optimist. In fairness, this may be something of an understatement: Over the past year and a half, I have argued that AI will improve........

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