Joe Biden's hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, might as well be the 46th president's lodestar for guiding his re-election campaign.

That's because Americans are constantly reminded that so much depends on the seven so-called swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin that will determine whether Biden or Donald Trump gets a second shot at running the country. If good jobs mean anything, unemployment in these key states is much lower on average during Biden's first three years in the White House than during Trump's first term, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Even when the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is excluded, job creation under Biden is unsurpassed.

Pennsylvania Swings to Joe Biden's Jobs

Pennsylvania Swings to Joe Biden's Jobs

Joe Biden's hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, might as well be the 46th president's lodestar for guiding his re-election campaign.

That's because Americans are........

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