The one thing that a divided Britain can agree upon is that Rishi Sunak is a disappointment. The Labour Party accuses him of clinging onto power regardless of the people’s d­­esire for a general election. The Conservative right flails him for betraying conservative principles. Even those like me who welcomed his arrival as prime minister have been forced to recognize that he is a busted flush: The Tory Party remains about 20 points behind Labour in the polls, much as it was when he came to office, and he is putting off the election for no better reason than that he faces Armageddon.

Why has a man who was once a by-word for competence become a symbol of failure?

Woe Is Rishi Sunak, Leader of a Broken Tory Party

Woe Is Rishi Sunak, Leader of a Broken Tory Party

The one thing that a divided Britain can agree upon is that Rishi Sunak is a disappointment. The Labour Party accuses him of clinging onto power regardless of the........

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