Since 1983, the Boston Marathon has handed out participation medals featuring a unicorn — the race’s symbol — to runners as they crossed the finish line. Athletes wear that medal proudly; it’s proof that they trained hard enough to qualify for and complete the most prestigious marathon in North America. So when images emerged of this year’s medal, which features a unicorn head floating above Bank of America's name and logo, purists were understandably upset. Who wants to celebrate a Boston Marathon finish by hanging a financial services advertisement around their neck?

On Monday, when the 128th edition of the marathon is run, thousands of finishers will do just that. The medals might be tacky and perhaps even distasteful, but they’re just the start. Marathons and the athletes who run them are unusually attractive to corporate sponsors — banks, in particular. As the races become more popular, the companies that fund them are seeking more for their money than just a logo over the finish line.

Boston Marathon Medal Shows You Can’t Outrun Commercialism

Boston Marathon Medal Shows You Can’t Outrun Commercialism

Since 1983, the Boston Marathon has handed out participation medals featuring a unicorn — the race’s symbol — to runners as they crossed the finish line. Athletes wear that medal proudly; it’s proof that they trained hard enough to........

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