American military industrial complex is making billions on Ukrainian and some other conflicts, says Grishanov Anton Alexandrovich

As from July this year, we in Blitz have started interviewing various individuals – including politicians, scholars, analysts, journalists, rights activists and people of various walks of life in the Russian Federation and neighboring republics, we have interviewed Mr. Grishanov Anton Alexandrovich, chief researcher at The Institute of Current International Problems of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of foreign Affairs.

During the interview, Mr. Grishanov Anton Alexandrovich has discussed a wide range of topics, where he, said, American military industrial complex is making billions on Ukrainian conflict and some other conflicts like Gaza conflict and they want also to continue it and lobby for new contracts. They don’t care if these arms are going to be in the terrorist hands and criminals’ hands or if people are suffering – and thousands are dying – they just want to have money flowing in their pockets and definitely that’s why we cannot really cooperate and have some productive dialogue with the West at the moment.

Here is the excerpt of the exclusive interview:

Question: First of all, we like to mention here that case of terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall as well as hydro terror targeting Nord Stream, do you think through such acts the Western countries are proving themselves as patrons of terror if not terrorist States?

Grishanov Anton: Well I’d like to go into some details because these are two different issues. One issue is the open terrorist war that is fought against Russia by the Ukrainian state and states that are standing behind this Zelensky regime and they’re not even disguising what they’re doing. They’re targeting civilians, they’re targeting civilian infrastructure and of course they’re targeting our infrastructure that is used to supply the Russian military complex. So, these are complex operations and as we understand they have received permission from the United States to do such things. But of course, you’ve seen that after the attack on Nord Stream America denied responsibility and they tried to make it look like Ukrainians have done it themselves which is ridiculous because Ukrainians don’t have possibilities, they don’t have tools to organize such complicated attacks.

But since it’s also an attack on European states that were engaged in this project, they try not talk about it too much because it’s crushing their Euro-Atlantic solidarity – but we will continue watching. And we hope that one day maybe some other politicians and political forces will come to power in Europe and they’ll try to organize an investigation of this attack which actually damaged not only Russia but also damaged European energy infrastructure.

As for the horrible Crocus [City Hall] attack – we know that it was organized by Islamic State members, but there are several questions that are not answered. I’m not part of the investigation team and I cannot speak for them but there is open information that these terrorists were heading to the Ukrainian border and they were assisted by someone from the Ukrainian side. And also that Ukrainian government and especially Ukrainian military intelligence which has been organizing terrorist attacks against Russia for several years even before this open phase of conflict started – they didn’t try to cooperate not only with our government but with any international structures to prove that they were not involved or to explain why these terrorists were heading to Ukrainian territory. We also know that there are several complaints from European governments that Ukraine has become a melting pot for jihadists who came from the Middle East to Ukrainian soil. Some are fighting or were fighting for the Ukrainian Army and they also spoke about it openly, especially in the first months of the conflict. They were forming battalions of jihadists that were previously fighting against Russia in Syria and in Africa and of course some of the jihadists are involved in the Islamic State.

So, we’ll be following the investigation attentively but certainly we’ll also need to receive some answers. Maybe this was a kind of roque attack and the Ukrainian government didn’t know that it was going to happen? But why in this case does the United States have had exact information about the possible venue and possible terms of this attack? How did it happen? And of course, I’m not saying that the West is involved openly in supporting terrorists cause, we were cooperating with Western intelligence services and with Western governments for decades fighting terrorism – first, Al-Qaeda, then – Islamic State. But there are some forces in the West, some people in Western intelligence services that consider it a useful tool that can be directed against Russia or against other enemies. That’s partly why we started a special military operation in Ukraine – because we were seeing that the West was trying for years to remake Ukraine as a project that can be used to project terror against Russian citizens and Russian infrastructure.

Question: Some western nations claim to be fighting........

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