For many, the B.C. elections of 2005 and 2009 were effectively plebiscites about economic management. In a survey I conducted in the middle of the 2009 campaign, the most important issue for 34 per cent of the province’s residents was the economy and jobs. Premier and BC Liberals leader Gordon Campbell consistently led BC NDP leader Carole James as the most trusted financial steward, even if James was always ahead on issues such as education and health care.
Fifteen years ago, the ramifications of the global financial crisis partially compelled voters to give a third majority mandate to the BC Liberals, as mentions of “the NDP of the 1990s” still resonated with voters.
This year, the situation is different. At the start of the campaign, the economy and jobs is third on voters’ list of concerns (14 per cent), behind health care (21 per cent) and housing, homelessness and poverty (41 per cent).
In stark contrast to 2009, British Columbians are expressing dismay at the complexities of life in the province. Three in four (75 per cent) say it has become harder to........