Mario Canseco: As Grey Cup approaches, just a third of Canadians are CFL fans

The Grey Cup was presented to a winning team for 101 consecutive years. Not even the Second World War stopped Canada from having a national football championship. It took the COVID-19 pandemic to stop the streak and place serious doubts on the viability of the Canadian Football League (CFL).

Four years later, the CFL is still here, even as Canadians appear to be growing fonder of the “four down” game played in the United States’ National Football League (NFL). With the Grey Cup final scheduled to take place on Sunday, we thought it was a good chance to review the relationship of Canadians with professional sports.

The National Hockey League (NHL) remains popular across the country, with 60 per cent of Canadians (up five points since November 2021) describing themselves as fans. The NFL is a distant second with 39 per cent (up three points), followed by the National Basketball Association (38 per cent, up seven........