Half of British Columbians are afraid of crime in their community, says poll

In late November 2023, only three per cent of Canadians identified crime and public safety as the most important issue facing the country. Practically seven in 10 selected housing, homelessness and poverty (29 per cent), the economy and jobs (21 per cent) or health care (19 per cent) as their main areas of concern.

Federal politicians have never steered clear of discussing crime during election campaigns. The Conservative Party successfully campaigned on mandatory minimum sentences during the tenure of Stephen Harper, and the Liberal Party completed a national freeze on the sale, purchase or transfer of handguns by individuals. Still, Canadians tend to look at public safety as the responsibility of provincial and municipal administrations.

Majorities of residents in Manitoba (63 per cent), B.C. (54 per cent, down five points since 2023) and Alberta (also 54 per cent) say that the level of criminal activity in their community has increased in the past four years. The results are better in Ontario (48 per cent) and Saskatchewan........