The complete elimination of Armenian separatism as a result of the 23-hour anti-terrorist measures in Garabagh still left a deep mark, like an incurable wound, in the Armenian diaspora and media organisations. On the eve of the Armenian authorities taking steps related to the issue of peace, separatist elements in and out of the country are actively participating in anti-Azerbaijani campaigns and working hard to impede the peace negotiations.

The Lemkin Institute, which is one of the biggest supporters of this campaign, is one of the non-governmental organisations closely connected to the Armenian lobby, which contributed to the delay of the peace agreement in the South Caucasus by creating agitation among the world community and making biased claims since the Second Garabagh War.

It should be remembered that two years ago, the Lemkin Institute claimed that Azerbaijan had a 'plan' to attack the Armenians in Garabagh. Thus, triggering the sabotage plans prepared by Armenia in advance, the organisation laid the foundation for another provocation on the border on September 12, 2022.

At that time, fierce fighting took place on the border with Armenian provocation, and Azerbaijan silenced the invading side with retaliatory fire. Although Armenia faced heavy losses on the military level, it achieved what it wanted to a certain extent in its provocation plan.

By portraying Azerbaijan as an "invader" in the media, the Armenian diaspora gathered the Western front around them and also put forward an argument of "unreliable security ally" against Russia and the CSTO.

With this, Armenia also prepared a certain basis for its exit from the CSTO.

Last year, the institute called on world leaders, especially US President Joe Biden, German Chancellor Olaf Scholtz, and French President Emmanuel Macron, to take a closer look at what they claim is an "Armenian Genocide" in the so-called republic of artsakh.

It seems that the main goal of this organisation, which was founded in 2021, is not to shed light on the genocides committed in the world and to expose the actions that they claim have been committed in this area, but to directly start a campaign against Azerbaijan and show the Armenian lobby as the "victim party" with false information.

Yesterday, on March 18, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) organised a two-day discussion on Capitol Hill on the topic "Reversing Genocide: Securing the Rights and Safe Return of Artsakh's Indigenous Armenians".

During the discussions, the executive director of the Lemkin Institute, Elisa von Joeden-Forgey, claimed that the biggest threat to Armenia in the region is Azerbaijan and that the "Second Armenian Genocide" is currently underway in Garabagh.

I wonder if the world really knows about the true vandalism committed by Armenians in Garabagh 32 years ago. Or is the Armenian diaspora used to organising black PR against Azerbaijan just for the sake of show?

The point is that although there is an allegation, there is no evidence and no facts about the genocide. A group of Armenians who voluntarily left Garabagh after the September 13 anti-terrorist measures, unlike the Azerbaijanis who fled barefoot in the forests 32 years ago, were released to Armenia in their own cars from the Lachin border crossing point.

Azerbaijan does not take seriously the false claims of Armenian diaspora organisations such as the ANCA and the Lemkin Institute, which are financed from various sources in the West. But when it comes to Western organisations and politicians who support them and follow them, this raises some serious questions.

Because Azerbaijan relies more on new cooperation, development, and the peace process in the region, that will also ensure security in the region in the future. The Garabagh issue is no longer considered a problem for official Baku. Proposing such false allegations against Azerbaijan in the West and within Armenia only creates the ground for further provocations.

Given the tendency that fake information is spreading faster than truth in our time, the specialisation of the Armenian lobby in this field is due to this trend.

It is clear that the Armenian population of this region is tired enough of both war and empty promises. The majority of them, like Azerbaijanis, wish for the conclusion of the peace process and the end of the losses and problems caused by the unruly government officials.

However, it is not in the interest of certain institutions that Armenians are inclined towards peace. They intend to create tension in the South Caucasus and hinder the peace process.

Therefore, they instill hatred and terror in the thoughts of Armenians not only by means of the media but also with the beliefs of the people.

Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan's speeches on the fate of 4 villages belonging to Azerbaijan are the biggest proof of this.

He openly invites the Armenian people to war, calls Azerbaijan an invader, and tries to brainwash his citizens.

It is clear that the archbishop carries out such propaganda not because he thinks about the interests of his people but to carry out the task of the institutions he receives financial support from, along with other Armenian officials who preach terrorism under the guise of religion.

People like Galstanyan are pressuring the people by catching their sensitive points and calling them to "revenge" their sons who were allegedly "murdered" by the "invading" Azerbaijan.

It should not be forgotten that during the second Garabagh War, it was the Armenian government that forcibly brought women, old people, and children to the front and armed them to fight in the war.

It is clear that it was the official Yerevan who sent the innocent population to their deaths, knowing that the country was subject to a heavy defeat.

And now it is the same Armenian lobby that is manipulating the Armenian people with such pathetic speeches and calling them to war again, creating tension in the region.

They are constantly preparing dangerous plans for further provocations in the South Caucasus, which has been the centre of the conflict for ages thanks to their incessant propaganda.


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Armenian propaganda machine carries on instilling anti-Azerbaijan sentiments

Armenian propaganda machine carries on instilling anti-Azerbaijan sentiments

The complete elimination of Armenian separatism as a result of the 23-hour anti-terrorist measures in Garabagh still left a deep mark, like an incurable wound, in the Armenian diaspora and media organisations. On the eve of the Armenian authorities taking steps related to the issue of peace, separatist elements in and out of the country are actively participating in anti-Azerbaijani campaigns and working hard to impede the peace negotiations.

The Lemkin Institute, which is one of the biggest supporters of this campaign, is one of the non-governmental organisations closely connected to the Armenian lobby, which contributed to the delay of the peace agreement in the South Caucasus by creating agitation among the world community and making biased claims since the Second Garabagh War.

It should be remembered that two years ago, the Lemkin Institute claimed that Azerbaijan had a 'plan' to attack the Armenians in Garabagh. Thus, triggering the sabotage plans prepared by Armenia in advance, the organisation laid the foundation for another provocation on the border on September 12, 2022.

At that time, fierce fighting took place on the border with Armenian provocation, and Azerbaijan silenced the invading side with retaliatory fire. Although Armenia faced heavy losses on the military level, it achieved what it wanted to a certain extent in its provocation plan.

By portraying Azerbaijan as an "invader" in the media, the Armenian diaspora gathered the Western front around them and also put forward an argument of "unreliable security ally" against........

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