Democrats will lose if they try to run on border issues

It isn’t often that mainstream media plays the handmaiden of Donald Trump. But on Tuesday there they were, putting on their red caps and leading the lambs to slaughter with headline after headline.

“Suozzi gives Dems an immigration road map” — The Washington Post

“Democrats eye new immigration strategy after Suozzi win” — The Hill

“Leaning Into Migrant Woes, Suozzi Paves Election-Year Path for Democrats” — The New York Times

That’s how the Democrats stole a seat from the Republicans in the special election this past week in New York Congress 3.

They ran on the border.

The national newspapers told us so.

Democrat Tom Suozzi saw Donald Trump’s destruction of the U.S. Senate border deal — forged in large part by Arizona’s Kyrsten’s Sinema — and rode it straight to victory.

So the story line goes.

So the delusion goes.

Now Big Media is cheering on Democrats as they consider making immigration their winning issue in the fall. Or as The Hill puts it, “to go on offense” on immigration.

Please try that.

Please pretend the border deal was the catalyst for flipping NY 3 and not the hot mess that was Republican George Santos.

Santos was the last to win that seat in the tony parts of Queens and Long Island and greater Nassau County, until he finally became a scandal machine and was ceremoniously tossed out on his lying patoot.

Santos lied about producing a Broadway musical. Lied about being a volleyball star. Lied about his grandparents escaping the Holocaust and lied about being a multimillionaire.

He even lied that his mother had........

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