Vouchers are draining Arizona, and the GOP will pay

The Arizona Legislature has one job left to do before they can adjourn for the year: Pass a balanced state budget that corrects a $1.8 billion deficit caused by Gov. Doug Ducey-era universal vouchers and tax cuts for the rich.

Given our divided government, it might be easier for a clown to find a needle in a haystack while riding a unicycle and playing a French horn.

It shouldn’t be this hard. Lawmakers could simply pass Gov. Katie Hobbs’ budget proposal to limit private school vouchers to students who’d attended public school in the past or stop voucher handouts to the rich.

In so doing, they’d immediately recoup $400 million to 500 million a year — shockingly close to next year’s projected deficit of roughly $676 million — and they’d be well on their way to solving their budget woes.

This puts the Legislature’s........

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