Informing voters is not 'open season' on Arizona judges

An Arizona Republic column bemoaned Civic Engagement Beyond Voting’s work to educate voters about the judges on their ballot, saying we “have declared open season on Arizona judges.”

If “open season” means giving Arizona voters critical information about the judges seeking retention, then we accept the charge.

Columnist Abe Kwok argues we should insulate judges from meaningful public supervision and supports Senate Concurrent Resolution 1044, a Republican-sponsored ballot referral that would eliminate Arizonans’ ability to weigh in on judges at the ballot box (except in the rare case of clear or criminal malfeasance).

It also would void the results of this November’s judicial retention election.

It’s not surprising that this measure is supported by the Arizona Judges Association.

It would free them from pesky public oversight and allow them to make critical decisions about virtually every aspect of our daily lives — from our reproductive health care to voting rights, public education, free speech and more — without interference.

Rep. Jacqueline Parker, in a House amendment to the bill, had the gall to title this resolution “The Judicial Accountability Act of 2024,” truly an upside-down name for a........

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