Biden won't really enforce existing immigration law

The day Joe Biden entered the White House, he signed a slew of executive orders.

Several marked a U-turn on border security, reversing Trump’s policies. Biden stopped construction of the border wall, ended the “Remain in Mexico” standard and rolled back immigration enforcement to Obama-era procedures.

While praised by many in January 2021, voters today aren’t thrilled with the results.

According to a recent Gallup poll, Americans rank immigration as the “most important problem facing this country.” This is the third straight month the issue has led the rankings, beating out the economy and the government in general.

With less than five months until Election Day, Biden wants to change the narrative. Badly. But not enough to actually enforce the immigration laws on the books.

On Tuesday, the President signed an executive order that purportedly prevents illegal border crossers from gaining asylum. His way of going about this is complex, to say the........

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