Opinion: County official takes 'sore loser' to extremes

A Republican county official and proud member of the stolen election set has come up with a creative new way to try to make money off his recent defeat.

Forget holding out a tin cup to the gullible base, as you spin tales of the many conspiratorial ways in which you were robbed.

Forget going to court, even, where you would have to present actual evidence to back up your claim.

Nope, just hit up the taxpayers.

Pinal County Supervisor Kevin Cavanagh is threatening to sue his own county over his loss in the July 31 primary for county sheriff.

The Washington Post reports Cavanaugh has filed a notice of claim, alleging the Republican county recorder and five other election county officials conspired to “modify the results” of his race.

He wants $65,000. Come Jan. 1, his price will go up to $1 million, the Post reports.

In his notice of claim,........

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