The border hawks are back in power to carry out Donald Trump’s immigration crackdown, and Arizona’s calvary is ready.
That isn’t by chance.
The Arizona calvary never stopped working to elect Trump and put the mechanisms in place to round up, detain and deport undocumented migrants.
This is a hair-on-fire moment for those of us who still consider America’s immigrant roots an economic and cultural asset worth protecting.
The victors are itching to shut down the U.S.-Mexico border to asylum seekers, conduct workplace raids and militarize neighborhoods to root out migrants.
As that plays out and some of you cheer the migrant hunting — criminals or not — keep an eye on who directly benefits and how.
“There’s no price tag,” the president-elect said of the cost of the mass deportation campaign promise that he plans to keep.
That means your tax dollars — an unlimited amount — will be spent on it. And that will make a lot of people rich or powerful, or both.
Topping the list in Arizona is Republican state Rep. Steve Montenegro of Goodyear. Yes, the same one who was just elected speaker of the House.
Montenegro holds one of the most powerful posts at the Legislature. And he has........