Meet the Latina with the toughest job in politics

Julie Chávez Rodríguez has the toughest job in American politics — one that seems tailor-made for the woman who grew up with a Sí Se Puede legacy.

That Can Be Done attitude didn’t come by chance. It is her essence and one she draws from her grandfather, the late farmworker leader Cesar Chávez. The Arizona native and fellow labor leader Dolores Huerta made Sí Se Puede their rallying cry.

“My grandfather inspired me throughout my life,” she told me recently. “He inspired me to use my life to improve the lives of others, and that’s what brought me into politics.”

Admittedly, Cesar Chávez couldn’t have imagined that one of his descendants would be the top-ranking Latina in the White House and now managing President Biden’s........

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