99 Reasons I’m In Mourning

“Want to go shopping?” I would ask a friend, and we both knew that included a visit to the neighborhood 99¢ Only Store. We might spend the day shopping at discount retailers, or fashionable clothing boutiques, upscale or discount grocery chains, but somewhere on our journey there would be a trip to “99.”

The “99” was always fun as we found good deals on household products, canned goods, fruits, and vegetables. For budget-conscious shoppers, especially those lacking extra dollars in their wallets because of Bidenflation, the 99¢ Only Store and other dollar stores often meant the difference between buying or passing on a product.

Dollar stores are the perfect place for average Americans to understand how Bidenomics has failed easily. A 99-cent item in December 2020, Donald Trump’s last full month in office, now sells for $1.49. You don’t have to be a mathematician or economist to calculate that after three-and-a-half years of Joe “Big Guy” Biden’s ruinous economic policies, that is a whopping 50 percent increase!

Image: A 99¢ Only Store in Las Vegas by TaurusEmerald. CC BY-SA 4.0.

Ah, but aren’t government agencies reporting a consumer price index of around 3.2 percent? They can announce whatever they want, but those who do the weekly shopping know those numbers aren’t accurate.

History of single-price stores

Headquartered in Commerce, California, there are 99¢ Only........

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