Climate change tests: What could go wrong?

The Epoch Times recently released a documentary about “Chemtrail” trials being conducted off the shore of San Francisco.

“Unbeknownst to most people, scientists have begun to conduct a secret experiment that involves shooting aerosols into the sky in the hope of preventing global warming.

Specifically, this is a solar geoengineering experiment in San Francisco that’s trying to create brighter clouds that would, in theory at least, reflect more sunlight away from the earth.”

Epoch Times references information revealed by Paul Joseph Watson on April 7, which points to the Coastal Atmospheric Aerosol Research and Engagement, or CAARE. Referring to the website of CAARE reveals:

“The Marine Cloud Brightening Program is an academic collaboration of atmospheric scientists and other experts to study how clouds respond to particles -- also called aerosols -- in the atmosphere. This research aims to further our understanding of how interactions between aerosols and clouds impact our climate system, and to investigate the feasibility and potential impacts of marine cloud brightening.”

How did we get to the notion that “aerosols” affect climate change? CAARE........

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