I entered duty with the U.S. Border Patrol in 1995, back when there were only 5,000 people (Agents and support personnel) in all of the USBP. I was the Director of the Aircraft Maintenance Facility in Del Rio, Texas in the Del Rio Border Patrol Sector

My guys maintained Piper Super Cubs and Aerospatiale A-Star AS-350 helicopters for our cadre of pilots. Back then, the Chief Pilot and I collected daily Air Operations performance data. The pilots annotated (after flight) on their flight logs how many aerial-assisted apprehensions (APPs) they performed as well as the number of GOT AWAYs pilots counted from the air. Such as, Border Patrol Agents performing flying duties would detect and follow tracks in the desert, (called “cutting sign”) and when those tracks stopped or disappeared, such as at a paved road where a groups of illegal aliens were picked up, those tracks left in the desert were counted as GOT AWAYs.

The Chief Patrol Agent of Air Operations at El Paso collected the data from each of the ten Border Patrol Sectors’ Air Operations and published the data as “Measures of Performance” as required by the Government Accountability Office. Monthly and annual reports went to Congress, the Chief of the Border Patrol, the I&NS Commissioner, and because the Border Patrol was part of the DOJ at the time, the Attorney General.

Image: Screen shot from 9News video, via YouTube

How Many Millions of Illegal Aliens in the Country Does the Democrat Party Need to Destroy America?

How Many Millions of Illegal Aliens in the Country Does the Democrat Party Need to Destroy America?

I entered duty with the U.S. Border Patrol in 1995, back when there were only 5,000 people (Agents and support personnel) in all of the USBP. I was the Director of the Aircraft Maintenance Facility in Del Rio, Texas in the Del Rio Border Patrol Sector

My guys maintained Piper Super Cubs and Aerospatiale A-Star AS-350 helicopters for our cadre of........

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