Donald J. Trump didn’t have to run for president in 2015, or in 2020, or in 2024. He had a magnificent life. Why subject himself to the barbs and arrows of a political class and their media allies well-versed in the politics of personal destruction?
Only one reason: because he loved his country to the extent he was willing to sacrifice his wealth, livelihood and even his life to serve it.
Donald Trump is the only president to have left the White House poorer than when he took office.
I believe God himself protected Donald Trump on Saturday. Just a few millimeters in either direction, and the many bullets his would-be assassin fired at him would have blown his brains out.
I believe that God sends His guardian angels to protect those He chooses. Don’t ask me why or how He chooses whom to protect. But in my own life, I know I have been saved in so many times of great peril by a higher force, certainly not by my own hand. I have recounted some of those “close calls” in my book, And the Rest is History. After a while, saying you have been lucky is just not enough.
God extended a hedge of protection around Donald Trump. He saved him from a would-be assassin’s bullets for a purpose – His purpose. And........