Is America First Just a Cult?

Someone has put forth the idea that support for Donald Trump and the America First program is just a cult. Since we remember the 909 who died under the direction of Jim Jones, the idea of a cult leaves us unsettled.

One of the first to study what happens with crowds was a Scottish journalist by the name of Charles MacKay. He wrote on the madness of crowds (1841). What would a crowd do that an individual would never think of doing?

More recently, a Belgian psychologist (Dr. Mattias Desmet) developed the theory of Psychology of Mass Formation, or even Mass Formation Psychosis, which also deals with the madness of crowds. Why do people join in crowds? Often they feel there is safety in numbers. Dr. Desmet has written a book on the subject: The Psychology of Totalitarianism.

But what if the crowd is wrong? It has happened many times in history that the majority was wrong, and much damage resulted from its actions. The Bible even tells us what happens when men follow a crowd to do evil (Exodus 23:2).

But many still feel that Trump is just leading a mob to disaster. The question is, “Why do we support Trump?”

Throughout history, great men have done great evil (Hitler). But God has used great men to do good (Patton). The principle is developed best in the book of Judges. Whenever Israel would drift into great sin, God would judge them; they would suffer, and cry out to God, and He would raise up a deliverer. It happened time and time again.

God used great men to bring us out of World War Two. I believe that Trump is a great man whom God will use to help restore America.

The question can be asked: “Why do we support Trump?”

I think many support Trump not because they believe in what he is trying to accomplish, but because he agrees with them. He is down to earth and close to the hearts of many Americans, and much of what he........

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