Erwin Chemerinsky: Dodging a Bullet

Last week controversy arose at the home of the Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean of the Berkeley Law School, at a luncheon he and his wife were hosting for senior law-school students. To become the law-school dean at one of the most leftist universities in the country requires a man who is also an extreme leftist; That man is Dean Erwin Chemerinsky. At one time he was considered as a potential candidate for the U.S. Supreme Court. That destiny, which was derailed by controversy in 2007, resulted in America dodging a bullet which would have impacted SCOTUS to this day. More on that later.

Chem, as he is popularly called, had the leftist credentials that a Democrat president would require as a fit for the Court: Harvard Law, DoJ work in the Carter administration, professor of law at DePaul, the University of Southern California, and Duke.

He is prolific in his writings, with over 200 law-review articles and eleven books to his credit. Additionally, he espouses all the ‘go to’ positions one would expect from a leftist: Favors gun control, opposes the death penalty, Roe was good law, favored gay marriage long before the Obergefell decision. He also once termed the Electoral College to be one of the "compromises concerning slavery.”

In 2007, Chem was appointed to be the Dean of Law at the then brand-new school of law at the University........

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