Will it Really be a Cliffhanger?
I think it wise to just vote and ignore the polls and pundits, many of whom are dealing from the bottom of the deck and bluffing. I’d also ignore those doomsters who claim on the basis of the 2020 election that it will be stolen. Sure, as I note below, there has been and will be a lot of cheating, but the Republicans are getting better at monitoring it and reducing it. Sure, the press is lying again, but as I show below, the legacy media has blown its credibility and alternate content providers are capturing audiences away from them.
Polls and Pundits
Bill Shipley offers up the best most succinct argument for ignoring pollsters and using your own estimates of the strength of enthusiasm and ground games to predict the outcome:
The "noise" today that Harris is rallying and Trump is stalling, and early vote totals from women in some battleground states are becoming harbingers of doom for Trump have one purpose:
To prevent a down-ballot wipeout of Dems if voters become demoralized and think that Trump has it sewn up.
Nothing has happened in the race to support the media polling out today -- MEDIA POLLING -- from outfits like Marist and Emerson.
In 2020 Marist had Biden 5 in PA, 6 in NC. Two weeks before the Nov. 2020 election, Marist had Biden ahead by 11 nationally.
Same for Emerson. Its last poll in 2020 had Biden 5 nationally.
They had Biden 8 in Wisconsin, 7 in Michigan, 4 in PA.
They had Biden 1 in Ohio and Trump 1 in Iowa.
Trump won both states 8.
So, when you see the media walking out these polls today as evidence of a Harris comeback, understand they are Eastern Colleges, affiliated with anti-Trump media organizations, and their JOB -- which the media has embraced -- is to push Harris to victory.
The 2020 Election Prologue
A number of posters on X reminded us this week of the media and intelligence community’s interference with the last national election. Here’s Michael Shellenberger:
All the major elements of the FBI & CIA conspiracy to interfere in the 2020 election on behalf of Joe Biden are now confirmed: -- FBI had the Hunter Biden laptop in Dec. 2019 & knew it "was real" immediately -- FBI, spying on Giuliani, knew he would give the laptop to media -- FBI ran a disinformation campaign in the summer of 2020 to "prebunk" the story with journalists & social media companies, both directly and through Aspen Institute, by falsely claiming Russians were planning disinfo relating to Hunter Biden -- "Former" FBI General Counsel turned Twitter Dep. Counsel, Jim Baker, convinced colleagues to censor the NY Post story after they had determined that it had *not* violated Twitter's Terms of Service -- CIA Director Gina Haspel approved, within a few hours, a........
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