In a daring feat masterfully executed, the Israeli Defense Force rescued four of the hostages in Gaza. Most touching of all was the rescue of Noa Argamani, whose mother is dying of brain cancer, who had prayed she’d be reunited with her daughter before she died. The hostages had been held by private citizens in two separate apartments 200 feet apart within the central market of Nuseirat in Gaza and the rescuers had to stage a difficult simultaneous operation to free them. They operated under heavy fire from Hamas and local citizens. One IDF soldier, Arnon Zamora, was killed in the rescue and a significant number (who can trust reports from Hamas?) of those who attacked the rescuers and hostages were killed.
Lieutenant Colonel Arnon Zamora, may he rest in peace, led the team in breaching the building where three hostages were held (Noa was held in another building about 200 meters away). Zamora was injured during the confrontation with the terrorists and later succumbed to his injuries at the hospital.
In the video: Initial moments of the rescue bombardments.
In the second video: The street destroyed by the IDF to rescue the hostages."
Through the wonders of the internet and the open sourcing of X you can see some scenes of the battle to save the hostages. Here’s first footage of the rescued hostages being helicoptered out to Israel. Over 100 hostages still remain, though their fate remains unknown. Among them are five Americans, about whom the administration remains silent.
The response from Hamas and the Palestinian authority leaders shows how idiotic U.S. policy is. The Palestinian authority:
In response to Israel rescuing 4........