A 'Livable America' According to Radical Leftists
A number of celebrities and VIPs of the radical left, including one who betrayed our Vietnam veterans while they were putting their lives on the line for this country, have been warning that if President Trump returns to office, life in America will not be livable, as it presumably is under Biden.
Whoever believes this must also believe, or pretend to believe, that America is more livable when the following conditions are in place:
It is necessary for one to be totally insensitive, brainwashed, and uninformed to permit such conditions, and to have missed the fact that President Trump acted vigorously to end such barbaric attacks against the American people.
Like millions of Americans, he was aware of the track toward ruin that this country had been put on by the Uniparty in Washington and by its copycats in “blue states.”
What could be the motivation, besides personal gain, for such irresponsible political action such as we are seeing in these described instances? A truthful answer would bring up the political name for such infidelity to this........
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