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‘The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare’ has a surprising secret

Editor’s Note: Noah Berlatsky ( @nberlat ) is a freelance writer in Chicago. The views expressed here are his own. View  more opinion  on CNN....

previous day 20


Cnn Author

I’ve been a criminal attorney for decades. Here’s what I think about the case against Trump

previous day 30


Cnn Author

Trump told his supporters Saturday what he should’ve said on Jan. 6

previous day 8


Cnn Author

For me, Taylor Swift’s new album is an extended family affair

previous day 3


Cnn Author

This Supreme Court move is bad news for all activists – no matter their cause

Editor’s Note: Jill Filipovic is a journalist based in New York and author of the book “ OK Boomer, Let’s Talk: How My Generation Got Left...

20.04.2024 40


Cnn Author

I survived the Holocaust. What I see happening in Berkeley is frightening

Editor’s Note: Sanne DeWitt is a microbiologist, geneticist, researcher, and author of a memoir: “ I Was Born In An Old Age Home ”. She has...

20.04.2024 20


Cnn Author

Trump might have dozed off in court. Here’s how that could come back to bite him

Editor’s Note: Elliot Williams is a CNN legal analyst. He is a former deputy assistant attorney general at the Justice Department and is currently...

20.04.2024 20


Cnn Author

Mike Johnson is testing to see if the MAGA Republican fever can be broken

20.04.2024 10


Cnn Author

In a two-issue election, Biden should act now on immigration

20.04.2024 5


Cnn Author

Women’s basketball is exposing the sexism of ‘play nice’

Editor’s Note: Frankie de la Cretaz  is an independent journalist whose writing sits at the intersection of sports and gender. They are the...

20.04.2024 5


Cnn Author

She was immortalized by Joni Mitchell - and if you love comics, she touched your life

Editor’s Note: Roy Schwartz is a pop culture historian and critic. Follow him on  Twitter ,  Instagram  and  Facebook  and at

20.04.2024 10


Cnn Author

The FAFSA fiasco is a huge problem for students and colleges

20.04.2024 1


Cnn Author

The next pandemic threat demands action now

18.04.2024 3


Cnn Author

The basic problem with putting Trump on trial

18.04.2024 3


Cnn Author

Tennessee Rep. Justin Pearson: Why arming teachers is a terrible idea

18.04.2024 3


Cnn Author

We all lose if the Olympic surveillance state becomes the norm

18.04.2024 3


Cnn Author

Get US troops out of harm’s way, now

17.04.2024 30


Cnn Author

Can there be impartial jurors when it comes to Trump?

17.04.2024 20


Cnn Author

What I didn’t know about my prostate almost killed me

Editor’s Note: Ed Manning is a media executive and prostate cancer survivor. He is currently working on a book about prostate cancer. The views...

17.04.2024 10


Cnn Author

The way the first Trump criminal trial has been misnamed

17.04.2024 9


Cnn Author

The world rushes to court Trump

17.04.2024 3


Cnn Author

Trump’s about to get an audience unlike any he’s had before

17.04.2024 7


Cnn Author

How a ‘death to America’ chant showed a community’s true colors

Editor’s Note: Dean Obeidallah, a former attorney, is the host of SiriusXM radio’s daily program “The Dean Obeidallah Show.” Follow him on ...

17.04.2024 6


Cnn Author

5 critical takeaways from Iran’s attack on Israel

17.04.2024 2


Cnn Author

The problem with calling on Justice Sonia Sotomayor to resign

17.04.2024 8


Cnn Author

I’m nostalgic for a lot of things, but Blockbuster isn’t one of them

14.04.2024 8


Cnn Author

Biden’s not-so-secret path to success in November

Editor’s Note: Lawrence C. Levy is executive dean of the National Center for Suburban Studies at Hofstra University and a former opinion writer...

14.04.2024 7


Cnn Author

Why Trump’s gag rule Hail Mary won’t work in hush money case

Editor’s Note: Michael Conway was counsel for the House Judiciary Committee in the impeachment inquiry of President Richard Nixon in 1974. He is...

14.04.2024 8


Cnn Author

How Trump plans to win the presidency

14.04.2024 6


Cnn Author

What ‘Civil War’ reveals about this troubling Hollywood tradition

Editor’s Note: Noah Berlatsky is a freelance writer in Chicago. The views expressed here are solely the author’s. View  more opinion  articles...

14.04.2024 2


Cnn Author

O.J. Simpson was never who we thought

14.04.2024 5


Cnn Author

Video SE Cupp: Marjorie Taylor Greene has become irrelevant 2:57

14.04.2024 4


Cnn Author
