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UK and German FMs, EU chief welcome Israeli hostage deal offer announced by Biden

Britain’s Cameron says ‘Hamas must accept’ ceasefire proposal aimed at ending war * Blinken discusses proposed deal with counterparts from...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Miriam Adelson among the major GOP donors to back Trump after felony conviction

Israeli-American casino billionaire to reportedly help fund super PAC that she and her late husband Sheldon Adelson gave $90 million in 2020; Bill...


The Times of Israel


BBVA puede mejorar su oferta por Sabadell, según Bank of America

Bank of America piensa que BBVA aún puede mejorar su oferta por Banco Sabadell, lo que elevaría el recorrido al alza de las acciones del banco...


América Economía

América Economía

Why Jabalia?


Middle East Monitor

Tamer Ajrami

‘Non-starter’: Netanyahu says no permanent Gaza ceasefire until Hamas destroyed

Lapid offers PM safety net to accept deal outlined by Biden if far-right ministers bolt; hostage families say this could be last chance; Blinken...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

IDF releases footage of Gaza-Egypt border tunnels used by Hamas to smuggle weapons

Army says troops have demolished dozens of tunnel shafts and several ‘significant’ underground routes along the so-called Philadelphi Corridor,...


The Times of Israel

Emanuel Fabian

After weeks of delay, US Congress formally invites Netanyahu to address joint session

GOP and Democratic leaders of both House and Senate invite PM to ‘highlight America’s solidarity with Israel’ amid war with Hamas, note US and...


The Times of Israel

Jacob Magid

‘Time for this war to end’: Biden tells Hamas to accept Israel’s hostage-ceasefire offer

President sets out Israel’s proposal, urges gov’t to stand behind it; says Gaza ops can resume if terror group breaks deal; PMO: War won’t end...


The Times of Israel

Jacob Magid

Weekly rallies urging release of hostages, new elections to be held in Tel Aviv

Families of hostages welcome new Israeli proposal unveiled by Biden for ending war in Gaza that would include release of their loved ones as part...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Two Wars- One Heart -Israel+Ukraine + US


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Deb Kardon

A ‘Hebrew’ Walks Against the Current


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Motti Wilhelm

Biden’s “new deal” is same old and will lead to nowhere


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Giovanni Giacalone

Me and My Government Should Start Telling Israel What To Do


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Shlomo Levin

"Thinking at a Distance" in the Age of AI

LLMs, with their vast corpora and speed, redefine the essence of cognition.


Psychology Today

John Nosta

Can Someone Negatively Hallucinate?

In rare cases of psychosis, sufferers encounter apperceptual disturbances.


Psychology Today

Anthony D. Smith Lmhc

Struggling to Learn Something Hard? You're Not Alone.

A new book shows how even famous artists overcome challenges.


Psychology Today

Nancy K. Napier Ph.d

My Dance With Alzheimer’s

Personal Perspective: Striving through imperfection with Alzheimer's disease.


Psychology Today

Greg Obrien

Universities v protest: A letter from a lesser alumnus

We have always been here. At the university mobilising the police in its persecution of anti-colonial thought. At the suspensions and “talking to”...


Al Jazeera

Yannick Giovanni Marshall

How fake are K-pop views?

Courtesy of Henrik Donnestad Daivd A. Tizzard “When a new song dropped, I would wake up before school, turn on five or six different devices, and...


The Korea Times

David A. Tizzard

The stuffing of crime: Israel’s Rafah strike


Middle East Monitor

Dr Binoy Kampmark

Scott Ritter: Russia’s victory over Ukraine is drawing near

As Russia’s military operation, in Ukraine enters its 28th month, the conflict can be said to have gone through several distinct phases, all but one...


Scott Ritter

New Caledonia: France and Azerbaijan, Blowback in a Pacific Island Paradise!

What does this have to do with the Pacific, and in particular the French possession of New Caledonia, we may ask? The recent revolt by the people...


New Eastern Outlook

Seth Ferris

Floods in Brazil: The hunt to save memories from mud

As floodwaters recede in southern Brazil, volunteers and victims search for treasured keepsakes that tell stories or harbor special meaning for...


Deutsche Welle

Valentina Gindri

Actividad comercial y producción industrial en Chile registraron alzas interanuales durante abril

Buenas noticias para el comercio y la industria de Chile. El Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE) informó que el Índice de Actividad del...


América Economía

América Economía

The Unsettling Reality: Iran’s Proxies in Iraq and the U.S. Dilemma


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Michael Arizanti

Social Media Use and Youth Mental Health

Parenting in the digital age.


Psychology Today

Marina Heifetz Ph.d

Get out!: the Herald’s weekend recommendations for Buenos Aires

1. Las Cautivas Sundays at 5 p.m. in Teatro Metropolitan (Av. Corrientes 1343) One of the riveting productions on offer in Buenos Aires right now,...


Buenos Aires Herald

Agustin Mango

After criticism, PM’s aide says bereaved father will read prayer at state ceremony

Cabinet secretary denies reports that Netanyahu barred Shai Hermesh, whose son was murdered on Oct. 7, from taking part in Jerusalem Day event over...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

ANC loses majority in South African elections for first time since apartheid

Party, which has led international legal campaign against Israel over war with Hamas, must now build coalition to remain in power after ruling...


The Times of Israel


Belgian university severs ties with all Israeli academic and research institutions

Ghent University, which has been partly occupied by protesters against Israel, accuses the institutes of no longer aligning with its human rights...


The Times of Israel


The Power of Imagination in Achieving Your Goals

Clear, detailed, vivid, and positive mental simulations are linked to well-being,


Psychology Today

Noam Shpancer Ph.d

Stop Jolting People in Conversation

Drop the conversational cattle prod in order to get more out of the moment.


Psychology Today

Mitch Abblett Ph.d

What Animal Tracking Can Teach You About Self-Awareness

Personal Perspective: Animal tracking relies on the search for signs.


Psychology Today

Gregg Levoy

Connecting in Divisive Times

How a dream can help you speak while staying connected to those in disagreement.


Psychology Today

Layne Dalfen

High School Student Researches Fascism and Emerging Themes

Authentic Exploratory Research gets students to dig deep.


Psychology Today

Jenny Grant Rankin Phd

Managing Turbulence During Air Travel

Fear is understandable, but you are safe if you fasten your seat belt.


Psychology Today

Tom Bunn L.c.s.w

Is Your Body Language Offensive to Others?

How to make a more positive nonverbal presentation.


Psychology Today

Ronald E. Riggio Ph.d

Experiencing Low Self-Esteem? Here's an Overlooked Antidote

A focus on attaining success obscures the value in pursuing success.


Psychology Today

Ruth Gotian Ed.d

Here’s what’s going to happen at the Swiss ‘peace summit’ on Ukraine

Between 1985 and 1991, the last Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, tried to change everything only to, in the end, lose everything. Having set out...


Tarik Cyril Amar

More and more refugees seeks protection in churches

In Germany, Protestant and Catholic churches, as well as Jewish communities have offered asylum to refugees for decades. But German authorities...


Deutsche Welle

Christoph Strack

Mexico poised to elect first female president

Mexicans go to the polls on June 2 to vote in a historic election that will set the country's political course for years. Migration, violence and...


Deutsche Welle

Gabriel González Zorrilla

Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Ecuador y Costa Rica se aproxima a entrar en vigencia

La Asamblea Legislativa en Costa Rica aprobó el acuerdo de asociación comercial con Ecuador el jueves 30 de mayo y con ello avanza el proceso para...


América Economía

América Economía

VOX POPULI: Utility increases will hurt those caring for vacant family homes

Today is June 1. With the cost of living continuing to rise, my biggest dread now is what my electric bill will be like this summer. When utility...


The Asahi Shimbun

The Asahi Shimbun

Risky business: Why executives keep finding themselves in political firestorms

Back in March 2022, Disney’s then-CEO Bob Chapek said that his company wouldn’t take a public stand on Florida’s so-called “Don’t Say Gay”...


Japan Today

Japan Today

Gen Z Takes on Mental Health

I wanted to know what Gen Z teens thought about mental health. So I asked one.


Psychology Today

John G. Cottone Ph.d

Kolumna Marka Tomaša: Tok življenja

REuters V Bosni in Hercegovini prebivalci doline Neretve med razpravo o tem, katera reka je najlepša, vedno uporabijo en sam argument, da se vse...



Marko Tomaš

How to Know If You're Experiencing Prolonged Grief

Normal grief and prolonged grief share many features, but differ in duration and intensity.


Psychology Today

Diane N Solomon Ph.d

Moving Away From Reductionist Thinking in Misophonia

Learn how binary and categorical thinking only serve to confuse us!


Psychology Today

Jennifer J. Brout Psy.d

Psilocybin Is Proving to Be Beneficial for Chronic Pain

Preliminary research indicates psilocybin’s potential in chronic pain treatment.


Psychology Today

Dan Mager Msw

You Can’t Read Minds

So don’t assume you know what others are thinking.


Psychology Today

Julie Radico Psy.d. Abpp
