By A. Dru Kristenev ——Bio and Archives--March 11, 2024

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So many fibs and obvious lies riddled Biden’s 2024 State of the Union that it’s questionable whether the space is worth taking to delineate the ones that others may not have addressed. Full disclosure… unable to sit through the speech, more like a bilious harangue, I watched a complete video the next day in order to be able to stop and take notes of each falsehood as it was uttered the night before. Two pages filled with tight, crammed notations were the result, of which the following is just a portion. As Biden jumped around from subject to subject, so will this little ditty, meaning that the content or context will not follow sensible order.

One other thing, since I watched the AP recording it should be brought up how the camera almost exclusively showed the democrat side of Congress constantly popping to their feet with applause and raucous approbation.

The first thing jotted down was the made-up quote from Trump that he told Putin, “Do whatever you want.” To imply that he, Biden, had stood up to Putin is complete malarkey. It was first Bush, then Obama and Biden that gave Russia the green light to saunter into contiguous (and not so) regions and take them over beginning with Georgia, Crimea (2014), and Ukraine in 2022. Biden was the one who virtually invited Putin to invade its southern neighbor.

“History is watching,” he said. Yes, it is. It’s watching as Biden sets the world on fire from continent to continent.

A favorite quote: “You can’t love your country only when you win.” Interesting how that’s exactly how democrats operate with one exception… when they’re in power they seek to destroy the nation from within. Where’s your love of country, Joe Biden?

Onto abortion, which the left euphemistically refers to as “women’s healthcare.” After making a shining example of a woman (with her permission) who removed her child from the womb, Biden shamelessly rebuked the Constitution in his criticism of the Supreme Court justices seated before him for following law, sending the issue of abortion to the states. For a supposed lawyer, Biden is sadly ignorant of the only Law of the Land, the U.S. Constitution.

Next Biden went to Covid and lied about Trump, again. “Let’s the tell the story… here and now” in which he changed the facts about the state of the nation going into the “pandemic,” taking credit for economic recovery that was engineered by the man he referred to as “my predecessor.” Was Biden afraid he’d be slapped with a defamation suit for maligning Trump by name as he stole his “predecessor’s” success?

Biden hasn’t created jobs after Covid. He was in office while old jobs were reinstated, part-time jobs created to bolster those already working multiple jobs to make ends meet, and finding new employment almost exclusively for foreign workers. Opening thousands of government positions, Biden has done one thing, and it’s of no benefit to Americans in general. He has expanded government to be the largest employer by nearly three million workers. Add another 12 million contractors and you know exactly where citizens’ tax dollars are going – to reinforce the administrative state that’s pulverizing average Americans’ lives.

Again, Biden tries to take credit for building manufacturing back home when he has been cashing in on Chinese manufacturing undermining every aspect of American business, from computer chips and auto parts to breaking down the supply chain, crippling access to prescription drugs and daily use items.

Then he launched into a diatribe about investing in family farms when he has been systematically destroying them via overbearing, crushing EPA regulations on water usage, methane emissions, so-called endangered species, and fertilizer production, to name a few issues.

Biden is the champion of the middle class? Except for the continuous subsidies of pointless government programs promoting unwanted, unreliable “renewable” energy, EVs, “smart” homes and cities (open-air prisons), all with debt-ridden dollars Treasury is printing by the trillions – essentially a trillion more every 100 days. His inflationary policies are destroying the middle and hard-working labor classes.

Other ways Biden has burdened the middle and working classes is his admitted expansion of the Affordable Care Act, which is anything but affordable, adding thousands of dollars onto family health insurance plans and overall medical expenses. He and Congress need not worry, they receive all their superior care without spending a penny out of their pockets. The ACA has been nothing but an albatross around regular citizens’ necks.

He said “check the numbers” when talking about the financial health of families and the nation. That is, in fact, a good idea because then it can be seen how his administration has cooked the books, having to adjust downward monthly labor and income statistics, while miscalculating inflation numbers to make it look like inflation is a thing of the past. All the while real costs of gas, food, shelter and, yes, taxes have increased up to 100% (check the first items listed here).

Biden flatly blames republicans in Congress for any problems on the border when he has always had the executive power to shut it down. It’s no secret that he wiped out all of Trump’s policies that worked to diminish illegal entry into the United States.

Now, the cat’s out of the bag that Biden has surreptitiously flown 320,000 illegal aliens into American airports over the last year and will not divulge to which cities. And that’s just the beginning of his abetting the invasion on the southern, and now the northern, border. Follow his instructions and check the numbers there as well.

All this and there’s no more room to delve into Biden’s preference of buttressing Ukraine over defending our border or coming to the aid of Hamas, even to the extent of building a port in Gaza that will inevitably be used to resupply their arms (disguised as humanitarian aid, no doubt). Biden is no friend of Israel and would be just as happy to see it be swept into the sea like the terrorists promise to do in their constitutions.

It’s clear that the state of the Union is buckling under the thumb of an autocratic, dictatorial Biden administration. It’s neither “strong” nor “getting stronger.”

Three things Biden claimed he reveres. “Honesty, decency” and “respecting everyone.” Yet he epitomizes the complete opposite – dishonest liar, improper and indecent in his words and actions, and thoroughly disrespectful of any person who honors the Constitution and America’s true heritage. In fact, he jails them for speaking their mind, which is their protected constitutional right.

He “sees a future?” We see no future if he remains in office. America will be relegated to fables written up in dusty, old history books, and its people gone with the wind. (Apologies to Margaret Mitchell.

Former newspaper publisher, A. Dru Kristenev, grew up in the publishing industry working every angle of a paper, from ad composition and sales, to personnel management, copy writing, and overseeing all editorial content. During her tenure as a news professional, Kristenev traveled internationally as a representative of the paper and, on separate occasions, non-profit organizations. Since 2007, Kristenev has authored five fact-filled political suspense novels, the Baron Series, and two non-fiction books, all available on Amazon. Carrying an M.S. degree and having taught at premier northwest universities, she is the trustee of Scribes’ College of Journalism, which mission is to train a new generation of journalists in biblical standards of reporting. More information about the college and how to support it can be obtained by contacting Kristenev at

ChangingWind ( is a solutions-centered Christian ministry.

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More from Biden’s SOTU aka ‘Rant against Americans’

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By A. Dru Kristenev ——Bio and Archives--March 11, 2024

Cover Story | CFP Comments | Reader Friendly | Subscribe | Email Us

So many fibs and obvious lies riddled Biden’s 2024 State of the Union that it’s questionable whether the space is worth taking to delineate the ones that others may not have addressed. Full disclosure… unable to sit through the speech, more like a bilious harangue, I watched a complete video the next day in order to be able to stop and take notes of each falsehood as it was uttered the night before. Two pages filled with tight, crammed notations were the result, of which the following is just a portion. As Biden jumped around from subject to subject, so will this little ditty, meaning that the content or context will not follow sensible order.

One other thing, since I watched the AP recording it should be brought up how the camera almost exclusively showed the democrat side of Congress constantly popping to their feet with applause and raucous approbation.

The first thing jotted down was the made-up quote from Trump that he told Putin, “Do whatever you want.” To imply that he, Biden, had stood up to Putin is complete malarkey. It was first Bush, then Obama and Biden that gave Russia the green light to saunter into contiguous (and not so) regions and take them over beginning with Georgia, Crimea (2014), and Ukraine in 2022. Biden was the one who virtually invited Putin to invade its southern neighbor.

“History is watching,” he said. Yes, it is. It’s watching as Biden sets the world on fire from continent to continent.

A favorite quote: “You can’t love your country only when you win.” Interesting how that’s exactly how democrats operate with one exception… when they’re in power they seek to destroy the nation from within. Where’s your love of country, Joe Biden?

Onto abortion, which the left euphemistically refers to as “women’s healthcare.” After making a shining example of a woman (with her permission) who removed her child from the womb, Biden shamelessly rebuked the Constitution in his criticism of the Supreme Court justices........

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