By A. Dru Kristenev ——Bio and Archives--March 15, 2024

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Congressional representatives sign-up to serve and complete two-year terms of office. Regardless of that sworn oath, the perfidious (a perfectly descriptive word for false actors) are abandoning ship before they’re forced to reveal their true stripes as cowardly self-servants.

Ken Buck’s walking out of the House at a critical time when the republican majority has been whittled down to a few seats comes under the perfidious heading. It’s being unveiled that his early departure appears purposeful in placing both Colorado’s 4th and 3rd Congressional districts in jeopardy of falling to democrats. Joey Mannarino condenses his viewpoint in this tweet that is a viable view of the situation that Buck has set-up to sabotage populist, and popular, Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert.

His premature escape from Washington isn’t the only one that’s causing problems for Speaker Mike Johnson, who has been melting under pressure applied by the dishonest, wholly deceitful democrat and establishment republican “leadership.”

Three other congressmen have cut and run before their terms ended. One of them had a somewhat acceptable excuse for going home and that would be Rep. Chris Stewart from Utah. His reason was said to be related to his wife’s suffering a stroke, necessitating his departure. In the case of Stewart’s leaving, the House seat has already been filled by Republican Celeste Maloy by way of a special election.

The others who are not waiting for the election cycle to run its course have no such excuses on which to rely. Bill Johnson (R-Ohio), who abruptly left office to take a position as president of a university, had no justification to leave early. Colleges often have interim officials that can handle operations until the new appointee takes the reins. (As one who has taught college for years, such witness can be attested.) There was no need to cut short his tenure in D.C. and slim the majority in favor of budget-busting democrat votes.

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Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy could offer no rationale for running home as fast as possible, other than suffering a humbling at the hands of fellow republicans who rightfully answered to dissatisfied constituents. McCarthy’s scrambling may be a case of sour grapes that, pun-like, comes from the agriculture dependent San Joaquin Valley once known for its vast vineyards that are disappearing at the hands of governmental eco-terrorism. By turning tail, he left his central California district in limbo until May 21, long after the mini-bus votes that are likely to fall to democrat operatives, exploding the $34 trillion deficit by trillions more.

Then there’s the folly of booting George Santos from his New York seat despite (or because of?) his voting with true conservatives to hold back the democrat hordes from turning the United States into a third world nation. RINOs didn’t care for his minor infractions of their code of (dis)honor because he didn’t give-in to their edicts, but are more than willing to put up with self-declared servants of foreign interests seated in the House (Tlaib and Omar for certain).

Giving away the House to democrat control has all the hallmarks of an underhanded coup by design.

To staunch the bleeding of the republican majority by representatives (note the importance of the title) fleeing their own shadow, disclosure of disloyalty, or folding to democrat extortion, there may be an answer.

Accountability by elected officials has become nonexistent, especially personal accountability. And that is what must be enforced.

When an individual raises their right hand and takes an oath of office to serve their country and constituents, it isn’t a casual declaration that can be arbitrarily nullified. It is a contract to serve out their term with conviction and reliability.

Voters didn’t elect a person to fill the role of representative only to have them ditch their office as soon as circumstances become unpleasant or a better offer comes along. Yet this is exactly how most congressmen view their entry into the world of national politics--as a stepping stone to fame and fortune. The office is not meant to be a launchpad for personal gain.

For anyone who decides the heat in D.C. is too much for them, or that they’re going to get caught with their fist in the cookie jar, they should realize that simply waving their hand and saying “goodbye” is a breach of contract with their constituents.

It is time the electorate held gold diggers accountable and haul them into court for breaking their oath without valid reason. McCarthy, Johnson, Buck, and others who may be considering abandoning their responsibilities to pursue their rainbow should consider the consequences. They signed a contract to serve the voters of their district for a term of two years. If they don’t like what they’ve gotten themselves into, that’s unfortunate. But, they must stick it out until it’s time to call in someone else with the heart to be a true servant, and not servile to the oppressors whom they were elected to keep at bay.

The flight from office indicates an intentional betrayal of the voters these untrustworthy individuals were elected to represent. Certainly, no one prefers turncoats to remain in office, but they have a sworn duty they were elected to perform.

It is worth noting that desertion has been dealt with by firing squad in the past. Is there any difference between a soldier or a representative abandoning their post in battle without cause? When it comes to protecting and defending the Constitution, to which both individuals swear fealty, there is none. Both battle an enemy, and for representatives that means any person or power that would oppress their constituents.

It is incumbent on constituents, the injured party, to take representatives, who refuse to honor their legal agreement to serve out their term of office, to court for breach of contract.

Actions have consequences.

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Former newspaper publisher, A. Dru Kristenev, grew up in the publishing industry working every angle of a paper, from ad composition and sales, to personnel management, copy writing, and overseeing all editorial content. During her tenure as a news professional, Kristenev traveled internationally as a representative of the paper and, on separate occasions, non-profit organizations. Since 2007, Kristenev has authored five fact-filled political suspense novels, the Baron Series, and two non-fiction books, all available on Amazon. Carrying an M.S. degree and having taught at premier northwest universities, she is the trustee of Scribes’ College of Journalism, which mission is to train a new generation of journalists in biblical standards of reporting. More information about the college and how to support it can be obtained by contacting Kristenev at

ChangingWind ( is a solutions-centered Christian ministry.

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Coup by disaffection and misdirection

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By A. Dru Kristenev ——Bio and Archives--March 15, 2024

Cover Story | CFP Comments | Reader Friendly | Subscribe | Email Us

Congressional representatives sign-up to serve and complete two-year terms of office. Regardless of that sworn oath, the perfidious (a perfectly descriptive word for false actors) are abandoning ship before they’re forced to reveal their true stripes as cowardly self-servants.

Ken Buck’s walking out of the House at a critical time when the republican majority has been whittled down to a few seats comes under the perfidious heading. It’s being unveiled that his early departure appears purposeful in placing both Colorado’s 4th and 3rd Congressional districts in jeopardy of falling to democrats. Joey Mannarino condenses his viewpoint in this tweet that is a viable view of the situation that Buck has set-up to sabotage populist, and popular, Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert.

His premature escape from Washington isn’t the only one that’s causing problems for Speaker Mike Johnson, who has been melting under pressure applied by the dishonest, wholly deceitful democrat and establishment republican “leadership.”

Three other congressmen have cut and run before their terms ended. One of them had a somewhat acceptable excuse for going home and that would be Rep. Chris Stewart from Utah. His reason was said to be related to his wife’s suffering a stroke, necessitating his departure. In the case of Stewart’s leaving, the House seat has already been filled by Republican Celeste Maloy by way of a special election.

The others who are not waiting for the election cycle to run its course have no such excuses on which to rely. Bill Johnson (R-Ohio), who abruptly left office to take a position as president of a university, had no justification to leave early. Colleges often have interim........

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